The median indwelling time of pulmonary arterial catheters is 1.9 days. Echocardiography, CT and MRT are point measurements which cannot guide continuous data driven therapy. Only CorLog enables wireless continuous measurement.
2024 – CorLog Publication
CorLog related summary: The study monitored right ventricle (RV) pressure in 22 patients with precapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) during a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) using the CorLog wireless system. Findings indicate that maintaining the coupling between the RV and pulmonary artery (PA) is crucial for performance in the 6MWT and overall exercise capacity. During exercise, the heart must increase blood flow through higher heart rates and stroke volumes. In PH, a strong relationship exists between pulmonary artery pressure and blood flow, necessitating greater RV contraction. The results highlight the importance of the heart’s adaptive ability under stress and suggest that pauses during the 6MWT may signal when the heart is struggling, indicating reduced capacity in severe PH.
Journal: AJRCCM
Letter to the Editor
CorLog related summary: While PA and RA pressures have long been used as surrogates for RV peak and end-diastolic pressures, respectively, these variables may not always fully represent actual events within the RV. Furthermore, both past and emerging research demonstrate that there is important information in not only the amplitude of RV pressure but also the shape of the pressure waveform. Recent data indicate that combining information derived from RV pressure amplitude and shape with measurements of SV, or even better maximum and minimum volume, may allow for more comprehensive – and potentially continuous – bedside assessment of RV function. This possibility is enhanced by the fact that the use of machine learning models for estimating cardiac function parameters at the bedside is quickly becoming a reality.
Journal: JCVA
2024 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: Drawing from previous work, this algorithm presents a single-beat pressure methodology that streamlines and automates the computation of Pmax and ESP. This facilitates the real-time beat-to-beat assessment of these parameters, for example, through an app interface, thereby enabling a continuous online evaluation of RVEF. Notably, despite the algorithm’s streamlined approach, it showed a good level of accuracy when compared with the traditional offline manual sinusoid fitting technique in our comprehensive investigation involving 99 patients.
Journal: ESC HF
DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.14833
Retrospective/prospective, Single center study
2024 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: The first-in-human clinical application of permanent wireless pressure monitoring in an LVAD patient has proven the feasibility of the device as well as the safe and continuous detection of hemodynamic parameters. This new technology offers a viable and needed option for wireless, continuous right heart monitoring in heart failure patients for the first 30 days after LVAD implantation.
Journal: Artificial Organs
DOI: 10.1111/aor.14690
Case report
2023 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: This is the first investigation into the significance of RV-PA coupling in real-life exercise limitation and dyspnea during the 6MWT. Pauses observed during the 6MWT can serve as indicators of exercise-induced uncoupling. We used a wireless hemodynamic monitoring system (CorLog, emka-medical, Germany) to continuously measure right ventricular pressure in 10 patients with PH (8 = group I, 1 = III, 1 = IV) during a 6MWT.
Journal: Circulation/AHA23
DOI: 10.1161/circ.148.suppl_1.15449
Case report
2022 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: The continuous long-term registration of right ventricular systolic pressure by an ultrathin probe in patients with PH is for several reasons of special interest: first, transthoracic echocardiography substantially underestimated in 60% of patients with PH the true RVSP and PAP measured by right heart catheterization, and second, a pulmonary artery catheter because of its wide range of complications can be left in place only for few days. Thus, continuous long-term monitoring of RVSP and ePAD is the only way for reliable detection and treatment of right ventricular hypertension, PH and consecutive changes in RVEF.
Journal: Pulmonary Circulation
DOI: 10.1002/pul2.12179
Retrospective, single center study
2022 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: In our opinion, the described method is an elegant and promising approach for monitoring
RV function and response to treatment by PV loop analysis. PV loops can be created at will
by performing three-dimensional echocardiography, avoiding further invasive procedures for
the patient.
Journal: Circulation: Heart Failure
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.122.010097
Case report
CorLog related summary: PH-HFpEF is a growing epidemic with high morbidity and mortality and no treatment. The clear unmet need and lethal nature of PH-HFpEF must be met with novel solutions at all levels of therapeutic development.
Journal: Circulation
Science Advisory
CorLog related summary: In HFpEF, exercise intolerance is a hallmark manifestation, characterized by impairment in the physiological reserve capacity of multiple organ systems that is the cardiac dynamics itself and/or related comorbid conditions and extracardiac factors. The relative cardiac and extracardiac deficits vary among individuals. Therefore, detailed measurements made during exercise are necessary to identify and rank-order the multiorgan system limitations in exercise reserve capacity.
Journal: European Journal of Heart Failure
DOI: 10.1002/ejhf.2601
Clinical consensus statement
2021 – CorLog publication
CorLog related summary: Thus, insertion of an ultrathin probe into the right ventricle seems to be the only way of continuous long-term monitoring of right ventricular and pulmonary artery pressures for reliable detection and treatment of right ventricular hypertension and PAH.
Journal: ESC HF
DOI: 10.1002/ehf2.13600
Retrospective, single center study
CorLog related summary: RV dysfunction is an independent determinant on survival in patients with all forms of PH.
Journal: Cardiovascular diagnosis and therapy
DOI: 10.21037/cdt-20-479
Meta analysis
CorLog related summary: Use of complete PAC-derived hemodynamic data prior to MCS initiation is associated with improved survival from CS.
Journal: JACC – Heart Failure
DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2020.08.012
Retrospective, multicenter
CorLog related summary: In patients with pulmonary hypertension, the adaptation of the right ventricle to the increase in afterload (RV–arterial coupling) is a key determinant of outcome. […] Given the prognostic relevance of RV–arterial coupling in pulmonary hypertension, simplified methods to assess RV–arterial coupling should be validated and incorporated into routine clinical follow-up and future clinical trials.
Journal: British Journal of Pharmacology
DOI: 10.1111/bph.14866
Meta analysis
CorLog related summary: Baseline ePAD is a predictor of mortality, independent of other covariates that have previously been demonstrated to predict mortality. Change in ePAD, from baseline to 6 months was associated with changes in subsequent mortality rate; this relationship is durable.
Journal: Circulation – Heart Failure
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.116.003594
Prospective, randomized, multicenter
CorLog related summary: Doppler echocardiography allows for accurate measurements of the pulmonary circulation, but with moderate precision, which explains why the procedure is valid for population studies but cannot be used for the individual diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension.
Journal:International Journal of Cardiology
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.07.005
Prospective, single center study
CorLog related summary: Median indwelling time of pulmonary arterial catheters was 1.9 days.
Journal: JAMA
DOI: 10.1001/jama.294.13.1625
Prospective, randomized, multicenter
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