+ CorLog Probe + CorLog Connect + CorLog App + Standard patient monitors
CorLog Probe is an invasive hemodynamic monitor. It consists of a housing containing the electronics and a catheter which is inserted trough the skin. The pressure sensitive tip of the catheter is either placed in the right atrium or the right ventricle.
Pressure is transmitted from the tip to a sensor in the housing via a transmission fluid located inside the catheter. Analog pressure values are digitized by the electronics and sent wirelessly to CorLog Connect. CorLog is inserted trough the subclavian or internal jugular vein.
CorLog Connect can be connected to a standard patient monitor by cable. This enables seamless integration of CorLog measurements in to already existing infrastructure. Furthermore, CorLog Connect can forward data to a mobile device running CorLog App.
CorLog App displays received data from CorLog Connect. Additionaly a database is created with entries for each patient and each measurement. CorLog App enables advanced data analysis like calculation of estimated pulmonary arterial diastolic pressure. Pressure curves before and after interventions can be compared and evaluated.
Images show a simulated use of CorLog and the various required components:
CorLog is the only removable pressure catheter that can be left inside the patient for 30 days.
CorLog measures continuously 24/7. All data is saved in CorLog App and can be revisited.
The CorLog catheter is not fixed to the heart and can be easily removed when needed.
The catheter that goes through the skin and the tricuspid valve has a diameter of only 3 Fr. This reduces the risk of infection and also risk of damages to vessels and tissues.
A patient with CorLog is fully wireless and mobile. This enables exercise testing without further need for infrastructure.
Weight and size of CorLog Probe
26g – 43 x 34 x 13 mm
Available catheter lengths
30, 35 and 40 cm
Continuous measurement up to 30 days
+/- 4 mmHg
After 24h <= +/- 4 mmHg in 30 days
Dynamic measurement
-3 db cutoff frequency > 30 Hz
CorLog Probe is compatible with
echocardiography, computer tomography
Non compatibilities
CorLog Probe is not compatible with MRI
If you are interested in CorLog we can offer you demonstrations of our system. The use of CorLog requires training by experienced emka medical personnel. For this purpose we will hands on assist you for the first few cases.
Get in touch
emka medical GmbH
Erthalstraße 12
63739 Aschaffenburg, Germany
P: +49 6021 4434522
F: +49 6021 4434523
E: info@emka-medical.de
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